RTFM Please Ltd. - Strategic Technical Storytelling

Most technical products have difficulty properly telling their engineering story. While one developer advocate can do wonders - I help flip this paradigm and evolve your engineers into your product champions and advocates, to help define your strategic technical narrative, and drive developer-first adoption.

‘But my engineers don’t like to write content’, you say. ‘And my engineers don’t like to do talks’.

This is where I can help:

  extract excellent engineering stories from your teams with minimal friction for your developers
  simplify messaging into practically understandable concepts for devs (no marketing fluff)
  optimize product stories for technical audiences - by developers for developers, with some much-needed marketing flair
  get these stories and products in front of the right users
  advocate by empowering internal and external product champions to spread the gospel

How does it work?

I can provide you with the content, strategy and tools to create engineering brand equity, and accelerate adoption of technology products.
Some of the stuff I can do:

  • Technical Product Marketing
  • Technical Brand Equity and Management
  • Excellent Deep Tech Content
  • Outbound and Promotion to Relevant Tech Communities
  • Dev & Tech Event Production
  • Networking, Reach & Growth

Samples of Work


Highlights of content extracted from engineers:

Snapshot of content edited with engineers:

Content curation:

Influencer Blog Post Series - Curation & Editing: SecAdvent 2020

Some seeded podcast opportunities:
Javascript Jabber   Conversations with Bacon   Arrested DevOps   Reversim [HEB]   The Open Source Security Podcast   Page it to the Limit

EVENTS Snapshot of Top-Tier Speaking Opportunities:
  • Messaging and Other Projects: JovianX and PagerDuty Integration    Google Cloud Case Study   AppsFlyer Infographic 
  • Github Pages & Sites: AppsFlyer    Cloudify   TLV Community 


     DevOps IL    Cloud Native & OSS IL   Statscraft   Cloud Online Meetup   DevRel IL 
    RTFM Please - Service Offering
    Service Type Description Pricing Scheme
    Bundles Starting at 10-Hour Packages (Up to 40-Hours) Based on daily fee.
    Projects Specific time-based project - event, hackathon, other production Based on scope of work.
    Workshops For your internal employees: marketers, founders, HR (or whoever else might be interested) - a diversity of workshops on how to do it yourselves, refining your message and pitch, building powerful engineering brands. Fixed Price - Up to 10 Participants
    Long-Term Work Commitment to at least half-year cycles of ongoing work. Retainer
    Power Surge DON'T PANIC! If you're overloaded before a launch, release or peak time of year, have an urgent deliverable or crisis and need more hands on deck - we'll drop everything and give you a hand. Based on scope & deadline




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